BD Kiestra™ IdentifA

Automated colony picking and MALDI target spotting


Automated specimen preparation for MALDI-TOF identification.

Powered by BD Synapsys™ informatics solution, the BD Kiestra™ IdentifA automates the preparation of a McFarland suspension for BD™ Bruker MALDI Biotyper® CA System identification, which may provide greater efficiency by reducing labor and processing errors.

Features and Benefits

Deliver accuracy

Discover the power of isolate integrity. The BD Kiestra™ IdentifA accurately picks user selected colonies and uses a "safe zone" to help prevent users from selecting neighboring colonies. Pipette tip calibration, level sensing and measuring steps enable accurate picking of pinpoint colonies.

Streamline laboratory operations

Maximize staff effectiveness and streamline laboratory operations by possibly minimizing rework, manual steps and processing errors.

Workflow management

Provide full traceability during all steps of the BD Bruker MALDI Biotyper® CA System workflow. Powered by BD Synapsys™ informatics solution, the intuitive user interface enables customized dashboards and worklists to optimize the MALDI-ID workflow.

Improve operational efficiency

Streamline your MALDI workflow by combining the BD Bruker MALDI Biotyper® CA System with BD Kiestra™ IdentifA for rapid target preparation and accurate pathogen identification.

