
BD PhaSeal™ System

Protect healthcare workers from exposure to hazardous drugs with a closed system drug transfer device

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BD PhaSeal™ System

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The BD PhaSeal™ System pioneered the category of closed system drug-transfer devices (CSTDs) to help protect the healthcare workers who prepare and administer hazardous drugs. 

The BD PhaSeal™ System mechanically prohibits the transfer of environmental contaminants into the system and prohibits the escape of hazardous drug vapor or aerosols.* Drug vial sterility may be maintained up to 168 hours thanks to the system's unique, leakproof, airtight connection.*†


*Within an ISO Class V environment following aseptic technique 

The ability to prevent microbial ingress for up to 168 hours should not be interpreted as modifying, extending, or superseding a manufacturer’s labeling recommendations for the storage and expiration dating of the drug vial. Refer to the drug manufacturer’s recommendations and USP compounding guidelines for shelf life and sterility information.

BD-113232 (1/24)

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