![Background Image](/content/dam/bd-assets/bd-com/en-us/images/suppliers/Human_Rights_Hero.png)
BD has established a process for Human Rights due diligence in our supply chain to identify, prevent, and mitigate instances of human rights violations. We are committed to working with suppliers who share our vision of a supply chain free from human rights abuse, and our due diligence process was established to support this work. This process includes risk evaluation, desktop audits, review by committee, and/or in-person audits, as deemed necessary. We report our progress on implementing human rights due diligence efforts across our supply chain annually in our ESG report, linked below.
Our 2030+ Sustainability goals in the Responsible Supply Chain impact area highlight our commitment to ensuring significant coverage of our supply base in this due diligence process.
To learn more about our 2030+ Sustainability Goals, visit the BD sustainability page.
All of our supplier relationships are built on the foundation of our Expectations for Suppliers document, which all our suppliers are expected to read and certify their compliance.
BD is a proud member of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI). Through this partnership we work collaboratively with peer companies to magnify our impact across our supply chains in areas such as human rights, emissions reductions, and governance. We encourage our suppliers to join this network for free to have access to training, webinars, and toolkits. More information can be found on the PSCI website.
If you have an existing scorecard, or labor and human rights on site audit, you would like to participate in the ESG desktop assessment program or you have any questions please reach out to BDResponsibleSourcing@bd.com.