The OptiFix™ Absorbable Fixation System has been engineered inside and out to provide surgeon confidence and secure fixation in a reliable, easy to use, and ergonomic design.
The OptiFix™ Absorbable Fixation System has been engineered inside and out to provide surgeon confidence and secure fixation in a reliable, easy to use, and ergonomic design.
Difficultés et opportunités en matière de fixation résorbable
Les dispositifs de fixation résorbables peuvent offrir d’importants avantages et produire des résultats reproductibles. Cependant, les dispositifs de fixation résorbables qui facilitent la réparation des tissus mous peuvent aussi parfois poser certains problèmes, notamment :
L’attache résorbable OptiFix™ est fabriquée en Poly(D, L-Lactide) et est conçue pour offrir une performance optimale. Les caractéristiques de l’attache sont notamment les suivantes :
Une tête d’attache lisse
• Minimise le risque de fixation des tissus1
• Garantit la fixation adéquate du filet
Conception à centre creux
• Favorise la croissance tissulaire dans l’attache1
Extrémité coudée
• Pénètre facilement dans le filet et les tissus1
Les stabilisateurs
• Améliorent la force de maintien du tissu
• Empêchent l’attache de ressortir
Commentaires des chirurgiens4 Les chirurgiens préfèrent la manipulation d’OptiFix™ aux autres dispositifs de fixation Dans un test de préférence en aveugle évaluant la préférence des chirurgiens en matière de confort du dispositif, de force de déclenchement et d’ajustement global, de sensation et d’actionnement, OptiFix™ a été préféré près de 4 fois plus que le dispositif concurrent le plus similaire.
1. Preclinical data on file. Results may not correlate to clinical outcomes.
2. C. R. Bard Inc., bench data on file.
3. Preclinical data on file. Results may not correlate to clinical outcomes.
4. Survey of surgeons attending an international surgical conference. Data on file.
The OptiFix™ Absorbable Fixation System is indicated for the approximation of soft tissue and fixation of surgical mesh to tissues during open or laparoscopic surgical procedures, such as hernia repair.
1. This device is not intended for use except as indicated.
2. Do not use this device where hemostasis cannot be verified visually after application.
3. Contraindications associated with laparoscopic and open surgical procedures relative to mesh fixation apply, including but not limited to:
4. Carefully inspect the area in the vicinity of the tissue being fastened to avoid inadvertent penetration of underlying structures such as nerves, vessels, viscera or bone. Use of the OptiFix™ Absorbable Fixation System in the close vicinity of such underlying structures is contraindicated. For reference, the length of the fastener below the fastener head is 6.1 mm, the fastener head is another 0.6 mm (total 6.7 mm).
5. This device should not be used in tissues that have a direct anatomic relationship to major vascular structures. This would include the deployment of fasteners in the diaphragm in the vicinity of the pericardium, aorta, or inferior vena cava during diaphragmatic hernia repair.
The device may not fixate through prosthetics derived from biologic material such as xenografts and allografts. Prosthetic should be evaluated for compatibility prior to use. After use, the OptiFix™ Absorbable Fixation System may be a potential biohazard. Handle and dispose of in accordance with any local and federal laws regarding medical waste.
Adverse Reactions
Adverse reactions and potential complications associated with fixation devices such as the OptiFix™ Absorbable Fixation System may include, but are not limited to the following: hemorrhage; pain, edema and erythema at wound site; allergic reaction to Poly(D, L)- lactide; infection/septicemia; hernia recurrence/wound dehiscence.
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1. Preclinical data on file. Results may not correlate to clinical outcomes.
2. C. R. Bard Inc., bench data on file.
3. Preclinical data on file. Results may not correlate to clinical outcomes.
4. Survey of surgeons attending an international surgical conference. Data on file.
The OptiFix™ Absorbable Fixation System is indicated for the approximation of soft tissue and fixation of surgical mesh to tissues during open or laparoscopic surgical procedures, such as hernia repair.
1. This device is not intended for use except as indicated.
2. Do not use this device where hemostasis cannot be verified visually after application.
3. Contraindications associated with laparoscopic and open surgical procedures relative to mesh fixation apply, including but not limited to:
4. Carefully inspect the area in the vicinity of the tissue being fastened to avoid inadvertent penetration of underlying structures such as nerves, vessels, viscera or bone. Use of the OptiFix™ Absorbable Fixation System in the close vicinity of such underlying structures is contraindicated. For reference, the length of the fastener below the fastener head is 6.1 mm, the fastener head is another 0.6 mm (total 6.7 mm).
5. This device should not be used in tissues that have a direct anatomic relationship to major vascular structures. This would include the deployment of fasteners in the diaphragm in the vicinity of the pericardium, aorta, or inferior vena cava during diaphragmatic hernia repair.
The device may not fixate through prosthetics derived from biologic material such as xenografts and allografts. Prosthetic should be evaluated for compatibility prior to use. After use, the OptiFix™ Absorbable Fixation System may be a potential biohazard. Handle and dispose of in accordance with any local and federal laws regarding medical waste.
Adverse Reactions
Adverse reactions and potential complications associated with fixation devices such as the OptiFix™ Absorbable Fixation System may include, but are not limited to the following: hemorrhage; pain, edema and erythema at wound site; allergic reaction to Poly(D, L)- lactide; infection/septicemia; hernia recurrence/wound dehiscence.