
Venclose™ RF Ablation Catheter

Streamlining Venous Reflux Disease Treatment





For patients with Chronic Venous Disease (CVD), the Venclose™ RF Ablation Catheter is the latest treatment option using the current standard of care, endovenous radiofrequency (RF) ablation which has been established as a CVD treatment option for more than 20 years.

While some vein catheters can be reprocessed more than once and used on different patients, the Venclose™ RF Ablation Catheter is a single-use, sterile, minimally invasive, thermal treatment option and not a permanent implant. This device is intended for endovascular coagulation of blood vessels in patients with superficial vein reflux.

CVD Prevalence

In the U.S. an estimated 175 Million Americans are affected by Chronic Venous Disease (CVD). Risk of CVD increases with age, but can begin as early as childhood. Visible venous disease is far more than a cosmetic problem.1-3 Left untreated, CVD can progress causing venous ulcers.

Simplified RF Ablation


The only dual heating length RF solution that allows you to treat long and short refluxing vein segments with one catheter*

*As of Dec 2022


Features and Benefits


6F Low-Profile Design


  • Small, 6F profile helps to minimize invasiveness and offers flexibility to navigate tortuous anatomy


Dual Heating Lengths


  • Treat long and short refluxing vein segments with one catheter by switching between two heating lengths (2.5 cm and 10 cm)


Marking and Curved-Tip


  • Markings and curved tip help to ease navigation and positioning


Simplified Inventory


  • Stocking one catheter means streamlining inventory management for your practice

Simplified Setup and Operation

The system is equipped with a touchscreen display providing real-time procedure data to help inform physician treatment decisions. 

  • Compact design
  • Nearly instant power up, activated by the handle or the foot pedal without having to leave the sterile field
  • Simple, catheter connection port allows quick and easy catheter plug-in
  • Audible tones for thermal delivery allows you to focus more on the patient, and less on the display


The Venclose™ RF Abalation Catheter is powered by the Venclose™ RF Ablation Generator, both are intended to be used together as a system.

Generator System

Venclose System

    How It Works

    Treating Chronic Venous Disease with the Venclose™ RF Ablation Catheter



    • image-20221117-213203.png

      Catheter delivers targeted heat along vein segments

    • image-20221117-213212.png

      Heat then causes the diseased vein to shrink

    • image-20221117-213218.png

      Catheter is easily removed, blood flow is redirected to healthy veins

    Products & Accessories


    1  Yost ML. Chronic venous disease (CVD): Epidemiology, costs, and consequences. Beaufort, SC: The Sage Group; 2016.

    2  De Maeseneer MG, Kakkos SK, Aherne T, et al. European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) 2022 clinical practice guidelines on the management of chronic venous disease of the lower limbs. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2022;63:184-267.

    3  Criqui MH, Denenberg JO, Langer RD, Kaplan RM, Fronek A. Epidemiology of chronic peripheral venous disease. In Bergan J, ed. The Vein Book, 1st ed. Academic Press; 2006.


    Please consult product labels and instructions for the use of indications, contraindications, hazards, warnings, and precautions. BD, the BD Logo, and Venclose are trademarks of Becton, Dickinson and Company or its affiliates. © 2022 BD. All Rights Reserved. © Illustration by Mike Austin.

    BD-69486  |  MK-0112.A
